November 29, 2009

Old News - But Good News

Sorry I have been so derelict in keeping the blog current. Gina was in the hospital in October and I've been playing catch up ever since!

Ok, here's the first bit of news.
The HOA has completed the website - click here to see it.

There have also been some very interesting discussions lately about loose dogs in the neighborhood, crime, the HOA bill, and the so-called 'security' contract that WCID#89 (our water district) has with the County Sheriff on the Yahoo group.

Just wanted to let you know that the upcoming meeting of WCID#89 on Tuesday, 12/1/2009 at 11:30AM will be held at 602 Sawyer, Suite 205 and agenda item 12 is "Discuss review of security contract and consider approval of Law Enforcement Agreement for 2010". Those who want to show strength in numbers about switching from the Sheriff to Constable Walker should attend.

October 31, 2009

Halloween Party Tonight

The Lennar / Brunswick Meadows Fall Festival is happening today from 4 pm - 7pm at the Lennar Model Home near the corner of Chelsehurst Lane and Northam Lane. If you still have candy that you would like to donate, just drop it off at the Lennar Model Home.Bring your kids to enjoy activities and candy!

July 23, 2009

Helpful Information

This was posted to the Yahoo Groups website by AK. It shows the area that the Sheriff assigned to our area must cover. You might do better to call the Constable when you need immediate help. Here's the boundaries of our Pct. 7.

I would suggest that we press the HOA to enter into a contract agreement with Constable Walker to give us the kind of patrol presence we want. Click here to see the kind of services rendered. Then take a look at the statistics that they post monthly to their website about their results. I work for the County and would be happy to check into the cost. Since we have no control of our HOA at present, it might be something we have to do ourselves. I, for one, would be more than willing to pay my fair share for an ongoing police presence patroling our neighborhood. How about you?

July 21, 2009

Water District Meeting Recap

AK and I went to the WCID #89 Board meeting today. I know that several people went to the one on 7/7/09 and I invite your comments to this posting. First I'll just tell you my impressions.

Seemed very matter of fact business type meeting. Didn't have access to many of the documents that the Board had and wasn't invited to join the table. In fact, was ushered to the "peanut gallery" when I arrived by the lawyer's secretary. Introduced myself once the meeting was called to order but just said I was there to observe - which was true.

The thing that got the only real questions from the Board members was whether or not the sign to be posted about the new recreation center that they are building will be in color or black & white. Seems that bonds were sold a few years back to build this center, which is going to be located near Tom Bass Park off Cullen. The sign will have an artist's rendering of what the center will look like upon completion. Cost of the sign will be approximately $1800, which I suppose is our tax dollars at work :--)

I have made several open records requests for minutes of the meetings and tests of the water quality over the past 2 years. The WCID's lawyer, Chris Richardson, has been very cooperative. I have almost completed my research and just need my niece's input before I post my findings and suggestions. My niece, I think I've mentioned before, is the EPA consultant for the entire Permian Basin, has a Master's in Chemical Engineering, and used to work for Harris County testing water quality at the Port of Houston. She's well qualified to give us expert advice!

I understand that the folks who attended the last meeting spoke about their concerns over the lack of security and the recent snake problem since the retention ponds have been drained.

Here's what AK posted to the group e-mail site about his involvement in the meeting today:
Today I attended the WCID #89 Board meeting. As the residents know that attended the last meeting, this is a dead end. And this security contract is only intended for the water and sewage infrastructure not solely for the public safety of the residents. But after talking with Commissioner El Franco Lee last Tuesday, I truly wanted some clarification of the WCID #89 and Harris County Sheriff Department contract.

After a very open discussion after the board meeting, I still left feeling unsatisfied. But I did get them to promise that the Board will send a letter to the Harris County Sheriff Department stating that the residents of the District are not satisfied with the effectiveness of the daily patrol to help deter crimes and the misdirection of emergency calls. If we feel this is not resolved, they will proceed to cancel the contract with the Harris County Sheriff Department. Which means that we will be left with an already over-stretched patrol of Sheriff Department District 3 precinct or we must petition the WCID# 89 to sign a contract with Harris County Constable May Walker Precinct 7 to patrol the our water infrastructure as well as our community and public safety, due to the large area in the Harris County Sheriff Department District 3 that has to be patrolled by the current limited resource of deputies. I have uploaded maps of the Constable Precinct 7 and Sheriff Department District 3 on the files page of this website. I have also uploaded links to both agencies. (Editorial comment: I will have links to these and the petition made available in my next post.)

I hope that you can see the need to have this contract thoroughly reviewed by all parties involved, asap. By participating and encouraging your surrounding neighbors to get involved with the petition that has been posted on this website is one way that you can help to ensure that this gets done. Another way is to pass the word about this website; it has been a very useful tool of communication.


July 1, 2009

MUD Meeting - Come One - Come All

Are you satisfied with our contract with the Harris County?? Are you sick of being afraid to what you might come home to??

Raise together and allow your voices to be heard. The monthly MUD District meeting is Tuesday, July 7th at 11:30 am at 602 Sawyer Suite 205 Houston, Texas 77007.

Another one of our neighbors homes were broken into yesterday..and it took the Sheriff’s Dept almost 45 minutes to arrive..this is not what the Sheriff’s Office promised us at our Neighborhood Watch Meeting in April, and is unacceptable.

Anyone who is available to meet and discuss these concerns with our MUD District (who manages the contract with the Sheriff) please attend.

The more people there the more serious they will take our issues. If you are available to attend please let me know -

June 19, 2009

Brunswick Meadows in the News Again

Click here to see the ABC news story. And here to see the Fox news story. Please send a note of thanks to the reporters who aired our concerns.

Miya Shay of ABC news ~ channel 13 ~

Damali Keith of Fox news ~ channel 26 ~

So, what can you do to help keep us safe when the media tires of reporting on our problems?

  1. Attend the next MUD District Meeting on Tuesday July, 7 at 11:30am to demand attention to our safety/security issues.
  2. Click here to sign a petition, displaying our communities need for additional officers.

This message was posted on the Silver Creek Message Board on Tuesday, 6/16/2009 - sound familiar?

Our home on Misty Grove Drive was burglarized today at approx. 2 p.m. while I was at home with my two young daughters. Below is a description of what happened but I want to alert everyone to please be vigilant about locking your doors. Also, be on the lookout for a white car with two young black women. They stole our laptop and several rings.

I arrived home this afternoon and my daughters and I were in my master bedroom/bathroom for approx. 20 minutes when I noticed that my back door was slightly open. A skinny, young (teens, early 20s) black woman was walking through my back fence toward the door when she saw me at the door and asked if Kevin was here. I told her no, locked the door, and noticed a white car (sedan, red tail light across the entire back of the car with a silver emblem in the middle of it) parked in front of our house. It drove away but I had a very uneasy feeling - I looked in our extra bedrooms and closets with my pepper spray in hand.

Then the same young woman rang my doorbell - I cracked the door and she asked if Kevin might live nearby. Gave me some story about how her mom dropped her off because he was fixing her computer and she thought he lived at my house. She left, I locked the front door and walked through my dining room to my kitchen where another black woman, a little older & heavier, was crouched down. I had my pepper spray ready and sprayed her in the face as she stood up.

She ran to my front door (with me behind her spraying like crazy screaming at her to get out of my house), unlocked it and ran out. I called 911 and Brazoria County sheriffs were here within minutes. Though several units were out searching for a white car, the women have not been caught.

They believe that 1st girl rang my doorbell to distract me so her friend could try to get out of the back door (but I'd locked it so she was trapped in the house). The officers were great and I wanted to pass along a few of their comments and recommendations:
  • a lock for the back fence
  • motion lights (about $10 at Home Depot),
  • window locks
  • adjustable door bars (about $30 at Home Depot) as one officer said it's pretty easy to kick in a back door
  • and get a dog.
It's their opinion that the women didn't think anyone was home, and of course, I was an easy target with my back door unlocked. Please remember to be aware of your surroundings and lock your doors!!!

I was very aware and alert for awhile during those other home invasions a couple months back but then just relaxed again. I feel very fortunate that nobody was hurt and my children are safe and too young to really comprehend what happened.

If anyone has an idea about what make/model of car matches that description of the back end that I saw please pass it along. About the size of a Chevy Impala but I've looked at pics online and the back doesn't match what I saw.


  • June 14, 2009

    Javier Makes Good on His Promise About the Ponds

    You undoubtedly have noticed the retention ponds are thoroughly drained. Javier promised that the pumps would be turned on in June and we all appreciate his following through. Especially now that it's hurricane season. I noted that the tall grassy areas have also been mowed. Thank you!

    I also wanted to let you know that I have made an open records request to our water board and received a year's worth of documents showing the monthly test results. I am going to send them to my niece, who is the EPA specialist for the entire Permian Basin, and get her interpretation of how safe our water is to drink.

    I know that many of you have taken the water board and the water provider company's word for it to be safe to drink the tap water without boiling it. I am far more suspect of the quality and continue to drink only bottled water. But if my niece says it is now safe I will let you know. I will let you know whatever analysis she has given me.

    I plan to visit the lawyer's office where the board meets next week and review all the minutes of monthly meetings from the past year to see what exact action has been taken on those months when our water was deemed "out of spec" (meaning that there were quality issues) and I will report that to you as well.

    In 2010 there will be 2 positions on the water board up for re-election. I intend to run and hope that you will all vote for me. I also am interested in finding someone else in our neighborhood willing to run for the other position. All 5 positions are now held by people from the original Morningside neighborhood. That means the smallest neighborhood served by the water board is getting all the representation. We have 4 times as many houses as they do, and we should have a voice on the board. That's only fair....don't you think?

    Dr. Root

    June 7, 2009

    Something for Neighborhood Watch to Watch

    On 03/10/09 at the mail center on Brunswick Meadows between Sandstone Bend and Scott as early as 5:45a.m. at a very busy bus stop with no child and no other apparent business there, this man was observed by several parents who had taken their children to await the bus.

    He was there for over an hour. Authorities were alerted. The next day, he moved to a different corner: Sandstone Bend, seemingly awaiting children to come to the playground area. Please be careful and keep a keen eye on the children. Yours and those of your neighbors.

    Photo taken by a concerned parent here in Brunswick Meadows.

    June 1, 2009

    LATANYA JONES wants us to Recycle

    Hello Neighbors,

    I was very confused about why such a nice new community like ours, does not have a recycling program. Well after making a few calls I found out that we have to vote on it, then take it to our HOA and they have to set up a contract with our water district. There will be a slight increase in the waste (or sewer) portion of our water bill but the benefits far outweigh the cost. So I am asking all who are willing to push for recycling in our cummunity.

    Here are just a few reminders about why recycling is so important:It reduces the need for raw materials(cutting down trees for paper) which saves energy, reduces pollution and saves our natural resources. It takes less energy to process recycled materials versus raw materials.

    Recycling reduces trash in landfills. This allow us to reduce the number of landfills needed, thus saving money as well as habitats for wildlife.Cutting down on trash also reduces the emissions of greenhouse gases that fill the landfills and pollutes our planet.

    I really could go on and on about the importance of recycling but I am going to stop here and hope these reasons are enough to convince everyone to start a recycling program. If not, please do it for the future... our children. They deserve a chance to live in a healthy clean earth as our ancestors once did. REDUCE REUSE AND RECYCLE!!!

    Neighborhood Watch Meeting June 11th at 7PM

    Announcement from Ashley White...

    Since our Neighborhood Watch meeting at the church, on April 8th, there have been NO reported crimes….It’s my belief that this is the result of a community fed up, and willing to work together…I say..Let’s take it to another LEVEL!!!

    Our next meeting is June 11th at 7pm, at 14430 Brunswick Place Dr.


    Sign up for the yahoo group to get a copy of the roles and responsibilities of a Neighborhood Watch, the Chairperson, the Block Captains, and the Watchers.


    Do you part to make sure that our Community isn’t forgotten by the Harris County Sheriff Dept, Commissioner Office, or MUD District 89..…..LET’S STAND TOGETHER AND MAKE OUR COMMUNITY THE BEST IN HARRIS COUNTY!!!!

    Flood Insurance Information

    Harris County Flood Control says "If you live in Harris County, anywhere in Harris County, you live in a flood plain." Some of our neighbors had no idea that flood insurance wasn't included in their homeowner insurance policy. Since it is the official beginning of Hurricane Season - here's what you need to know.

    The NFIP, a federal program, offers flood insurance, which can be purchased through property and casualty insurance agents. Rates are set and do not differ from company to company or agent to agent. These rates depend on many factors, which include the date and type of construction of your home, along with your building’s level of risk.
    Here's a link to where you can buy flood insurance in Texas.

    Hope this helps!
    Dr. Root

    May 15, 2009

    Neighborhood Watch Meeting on 5/17/09 at 4PM

    Hi Neighbors-

    Wondering what a Neighborhood Watch is???

    Get the answer this Sunday at 4pm..

    Hope to see you at the playground between the Lennar and Trophy model homes..14034 Chelseahurst Lane

    Lets kick off the Summer Safely!!

    May 12, 2009

    Recap of the HOA Meeting

    Frustration. That was the primary sentiment I was feeling while attending the annual Brunswick Meadows Homeowners Association meeting last night. I think others were feeling it, too. Well, that and anger.

    I urge everyone to read the comments on the posting below this one that announced the HOA annual meeting and please add your comments to this posting. I agree with Jerome that WE must take control of our community since clearly the men from ACMI (the management company that was hired by the developer) and Friendswood Development Company (the current company developing Brunswick Meadows) don't seem to be interested in solutions to our community's problems.

    Ashley White has attached the handouts from the meeting (agenda, financial overview, and budget) in a .pdf file to the Yahoo Group members via e-mail. Please consider joining this group by clicking here.

    Javier Martinez, of Friendswood Development Company, introduced the HOA Board members Carrie Williams and Felicia Love (homeowners in Brunswick Meadows who were appointed to the HOA Board) and an aide to County Commissioner Pct. 1, Mr. Beaudion (spelling on that is approximate) who was a guest at the meeting. The aide provided his phone number 713-741-1096 but suggested that homeowners pick up a copy of the "Know Your County" booklet and try to resolve problems with the appropriate County Agency first. If after making the appropriate contacts any concerns were not adequately addressed, then he suggested calling him to follow up directly with those public servants who had been contacted.

    There were over 100 people in attendance, but most did not stay the entire 2 hours. By the end of the meeting, fewer than 20 remained and most were having private conversations rather than any formal communication from the podium. When it seemed that those running the meeting were less interested in proposing solutions than assigning/deflecting blame, many chose to leave.

    Javier and Bert Williams of ACMI seemed to want to keep the focus of the meeting on financial issues and the problems for the HOA caused by homeowners not paying their annual assessments and the special assessment resulting from the damage caused by Hurricane Ike.
    So why is there such concern regarding the financial situation? Currently there are approximately 700 homeowners in Brunswick Meadows (of those, between 260-270 are in the duplexes called Twin Villas) and not all of them have paid their assessments. The original developer of the neighborhood platted the property for 1367 lots at completion and only about 850 lots have been developed for sale. What all this means is that our community is only about 50% complete, and while the majority of the homeowners are paying their fair share, the lack of future growth, coupled with the hurricane damage and the delinquent homeowners, has left a financial burden on the developer. Clearly, as a business, their concern is to recoup their loss and make a profit; however, that is seemingly not the crucial concern of the homeowners of Brunswick Meadows.

    Some homeowners said that their calls were being ignored by ACMI and there was miscommunication or no communication regarding such things as fence repair following Ike. Communication - or rather the lack thereof - was a recurrent theme. When anyone tried to bring up issues like security, recent flooding, maintenance of the detention ponds, etc., Bert insisted on "getting through the numbers" before discussing these other concerns. This added to the frustration levels in the room and more people leaving the building.

    Here's the "good news" that was brought out at the meeting:
    1. Property liens have been attached to those homeowners' lots who have delinquent accounts. Hopefully it will encourage them to pay their assessments so that other pressing issues can be addressed.
    2. The flooding that occurred last month was due to the pumps in the detention pond failing to be activated. Javier of Friendswood Development Company said that it was the responsibility of the Water District #89 to pay for the pumps and their maintenance, but WDIC#89 thought it should be that of the developer or perhaps Harris County Flood Control District. In any case, it was said that the pumps would be activated by June.
    3. Javier said that he was mistaken when he had told us at the last HOA meeting that it was against county rules to build a sidewalk along the detention ponds so that the children would have a safe way to get to their bus stops in the morning. He said that once the delinquent homeowners pay their assessments, a sidewalk on each side of Brunswick Meadows connecting the neighborhood on both sides of the detention ponds would be built.
    4. Hmmm...well, I can't find anything else in my notes that would be considered good news. If anyone else remembers anything positive from the meeting, please put it in a comment.
    There was quite a bit of talk about deed restrictions at the meeting and what they mean. I will post on that tomorrow...

    May 3, 2009

    HOA Annual Meeting

    Date: Monday May 11, 2009
    Time: 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

    Location: Jones Memorial Methodist Church
    Street: 2504 Almeda Genoa Rd
    City State Zip: Houston, TX. 77047

    It only happens ONCE a year!
    All owners are encouraged to participate!

    Agenda topics include:
    - Security in our community
    - Financial status of our HOA
    - Community Development plans
    - Other business as raised at the meeting

    April 29, 2009

    Water Contamination - BOIL YOUR WATER!!!

    Did you notice the flyer that was attached to your front door? I hope you didn't just toss it out thinking it was yet another offer to mow your yard. No, this was an official NOTICE from our Water District #89 announcing that all water service would be temporarily shut off on Tuesday, May 5, 2009 from 9AM to 6PM.

    Ok, big deal you might be thinking. I'm at work during those hours anyway. But hold on there! Read the rest of the notice. Due to conditions which have occurred recently in the water system, the Texas Commision on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) has required the system to notify all customers to boil their water prior to consumption.

    To ensure destruction of all harmful bacteria and other microbes, water for drinking, cooking, and for making ice should be boiled and cooled prior to consumption. The water should be brought to a vigorous rolling boil and then boiled for two minutes. In lieu of boiling you may purchase bottled water. When it is no longer necessary to boil the water, the water system officials will notify you. If you have questions, please call 713-405-1750 or 877-405-1750.

    I will call them tomorrow and see what the official word is and post it, but I called my niece who is a Chemical Engineer and used to work for Harris County as a wet lab Chemist (that's the folks who test the water for compliance with EPA regulations) and she said that if the TCEQ was requiring this kind of notice then the water was not safe at all. I asked her if the carbon-activated filters we had installed on our kitchen faucet and showerheads would be enough to protect us and she replied, "No. Definitely not. You all need to hound your water district officials to get the water cleaned up over there. Don't bathe - and if you shower, be careful about getting water in your mouth. Take a hot shower and make it quick. Boil all water for all uses - even for the dogs & cats."

    I don't know about the rest of you, neighbors, but I've HAD IT with the WCID#89's incompetence and apparent indifference to the quality of our water!!!!!!!

    April 20, 2009

    Street Lights on Furman

    The street lights on Furman are actually being charged to the City of Houston (COH) not CenterPoint. In CenterPoint's database, the first block of Furman between Almeda-Genoa and Fuqua (where the new gas station will be) is within the COH city limits; however, Harris County said that the northside of Furman @ Almeda-Genoa (the KB Homes side) belongs to the COH, and the southside of it is Harris County.

    But... Harris County does not put up, nor pay for, street lights. They only do so within Parks (like Tom Bass Park, for example). Now, CenterPoint can erect the lights, but the problem is who will pay?

    We can call the COH and ask them to put lights on THE REST of Furman Rd. Or, since we're paying (dearly) for Harris County WCID#89, we should have our water district pay for them. Please contact the Board of WCID#89 (click here for contact information) and request the lights be paid for...assuming that they haven't spent ALL the money on the new administration building!

    We are in WCID#89

    Brunswick Meadows' Municipal District is WCID #89. Here is the website for future reference
    I noted that they have started the construction on the new administration building. A pity the Board finds that more important than cleaning our water supply. I plan to run for one of the Board positions in 2010 (the next opportunity) and hope another activist here in Brunswick Meadows, who cares more for the community than the current Board does, will join me.
    Dr. Root

    April 14, 2009

    Recap of Neighborhood Watch Meeting

    Captain M. Talton, Harris County Sheriff, Precinct III presented the following statistics:
    · The largest three areas of Precinct III are Channelview, Baytown, and South Houston ( 288/Beltway) .
    · During 2008, Precinct III received 133,156 Priority Calls for service.
    · Arrests: 1,027 Felony Related, 2,168 Misdemeanor Related, 15,027 Traffic Related, and issued 210,000 traffic citations.
    · Brunswick Meadows resides in MUD Distrust 89.

    There are 3-contract deputies patrolling on three different shifts. Deputy Barriere (Day), Deputy Lozano (Afternoon), and Deputy Crosby (Night). There are also two other deputies in the area. In addition, Deputy Billingsly represents the Burglary Apprehension Response Squad, known as the BARS unit.

    Brunswick Meadows Statistics:

    • Average response time in our area is 12 minutes
    • Between October 2008 and March 2009, there have been 21 arrests, and 162 reports.
      Residential Burglaries
      September 2007
      October 2007
      November-December 2007
      January 2008
      February 2008
      March 2008
      April 2008
      May 2008
      June 2008
      July 2008 –October 2008
      November 2008
      December 2008
      January 2009
      February 2009
      March 2009

      If you see an unrecognizable vehicle, call 713-221-6000 and report it.
      Tell the dispatch any description that you have of the vehicle (color, make, model, license plate number)
      Tell the dispatch the description of any the occupants of the vehicle.

    If you arrive home and find your home burglarized:

    1. GET OUT, and call the Sheriff’s Office
    2. Don’t touch anything, until the Deputy’s have been able to obtain possible fingerprints.
    3. If you find something after the Sheriffs have taken the report, please call back, and let them know what you have found.

    Homes that have been burglarized:
    o Peak times: 7am – 12 noon
    o Some residents were home at the time.
    o Some residents had alarms.
    · Call 713-625-9911 to check on who responds to our 911 calls.

    Safeguarding your home includes the following precautions:

    • Install 2 ½ - 3 inch long screws that secure the strike plate to the wall framing, not just to the doorframe jamb
    • Double key dead bolt lock on all entry doors.
    • Install secondary locks on all windows.
    • Install Automatic Garage Door device, or place a lock on garage.
    • Don’t open the door to strangers.
    • To obtain a 5-10% off discount on your Homeowners Insurance call 713-759-9454.
    • Look at your home like a robber:
      o Is your homes address visible day and night?
      o Is your landscape and shrubbery trimmed to prevent a possible hiding spot?
      o Is there adequate lighting at all points of entry?
      o Are your motion lights installed at a good height, and covered?

    April 10, 2009

    Brunswick Meadows on TV!

    KPRC 2 news reporter Daniella Guzman attended the Crime Watch meeting and interviewed several residents. Please check out both the story and video at Special Thanks to Carrie Williams for contacting the media, and to Bridget Nickerson for sharing her story.

    Crime Prevention Deputy Brown, was so shocked at our tremendous turnout that he didn't have enough packets to pass out. As soon as we get more packets, we will scan and send out. Deputy Brown also provided a lot of safety tips of how to protect our homes. You can find some of those tips here:, as well as in the meeting notices.

    We need everyone to volunteer to be Block Captains, and Watchers, to make our Neighborhood safer, and strong..We can only do this by "Transforming a Community, Block by Block."

    Also if you see any suspicious activity please contact 713-221-6000.

    Thank you so much again.....and hope to see each of you at our next meeting…

    April 1, 2009

    Official Neighborhood Watch Meeting Invitation

    You are cordially invited to

    The Official Neighborhood Watch Meeting

    Wednesday, April 8th

    6 – 8 pm

    Jones Memorial Church
    2504 Almeda Genoa Road

    March 31, 2009

    Crime Watch Meeting Wed. April 8 from 6-8PM

    ****IMPORTANT INFORMATION: The Crime Watch is currently scheduled for Wed. April 8 from 6-8p.m.*****
    • Please call the Sheriff's Office at 713-455-8050, and thank Sergeant Gill for his presence at our meeting..We must be willing to call when they are doing a great job, and when they are not..
    • When calling 911 from a cell phone - tell them you need the Harris County Sheriff's Office.
    • To report a suspicious vehicle or activity please call 713-221-6000
    • For any questions, or complaints please call 713-455-8050
    • If your home has been burglarized, and no fingerprints were taken please call Sergeant Gill at 713-455-8050.
    • There are four teams that need volunteers to address our immediate concerns: Safety, HOA, Elected Officials, Communication..
    • All four of these teams are extremely important to improving our neighborhood. If you did not have the chance to sign up, please contact Ashley White at

    March 29, 2009

    Interactive Home Security Game

    Click here to check your knowledge of home security. This and other helpful tips were published in the first issue of the Brunswick Meadows Safety and Security Newsletter.

    March 27, 2009

    Vehicle Thieves Caught in the Act!

    On March 27, 2009 about 3:00AM, 2 guys were breaking into vehicles of homes that back onto Furman street in Brunswick Meadows. BK, a Brunswick Meadows homeowner, was one of the guys whose vehicle was broken into, and when he came out and caught the guy in the act he started firing numerous shots at the burglar who ran away. These were bold thieves because they parked their car in front of BK's house.

    After looking into their car, BK found another gentleman hiding on the floor of the car. To make a long story short - the cops were called and dogs were used to capture one of the guys, but the other one got away. The cops impounded the thieves' vehicle.

    Neighbors, PLEASE BE SAFE and watch your surroundings.

    March 24, 2009

    Recap of Neighborhood Watch Meeting

    Good Evening Neighbors-
    Issues discussed at yesterday's meeting:
    • Please contact Lieutenant Warren at 713-455-8050 regarding Sergeant Gills non-appearance at our meeting.
    • Regarding Burglaries: 5 suspects have been caught and charged. Three of the suspects live in the area.
    • VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: ANYONE interested in volunteering to increase the safety in our neighborhood, please let me know. We need anyone who is willing to HELP make Brunswick a better neighborhood….Please contact Ashley White if you want to volunteer at
    • Security Tips from AK:
    1. Dead bolt all locks ( key in-key out)
    2. Lock Back gate
    3. Purchase a device from Target called a kick stand...prevents people from being able to kick the door open.
    4. Remember to ALWAYS SET ALARM
    5. Switch up routine, i.e. leave earlier/later
    • Who to call: If you see something odd or any vehicles that you notice circling the neighborhood. Please call Harris County dispatch to report it. EMERGENCY DISPATCHER NUMBER: 713-221-6000
    • Possible Car Decals for all residents.
    • Other contact information:

    Stay informed and let your voice be heard by joining the neighborhood Yahoo group:
    Group home page:
    Group email address:

    March 20, 2009

    Neighborhood Watch Meeting with Sheriff

    The Sheriff's Dept has agreed to meet with us this Sunday, March 22nd at 4pm.....
    The meeting will be held at the playground in between the Lennar and Trophy model homes..14034 Chelseahurst Lane
    Please encourage all neighbors to attend, and let your voice be heard!

    March 11, 2009

    Neighborhood Watch Meeting Scheduled

    Ms. Williams, who put out the flyers in regards to the burglaries that have taken place in our subdivision, has arranged a neighborhood watch meeting on Sunday (3/15) at 4PM at the corner of Concorde Meadows and Bronwynn.

    The County Sheriff will come out to speak to us about safety precautions we can take on Sunday 3/22 at 4PM. Place for that meeting will be announced after the preliminary meet & greet this Sunday (3/15)

    Come one, come all so we can have a safer neighborhood!!!

    February 28, 2009

    Someone Is Quite Unhappy

    A NOTE FROM DR. ROOT, CREATOR OF THIS BLOG: I will post your messages to the blog so that you can read comments in response if you will send them to me at and note that you wish them published to the blog. I ask only that you identify yourself in the request to post the message. If the author of this e-mail would like to add his/her name, please feel free to do so in the comments section. Now, on with the message....

    I want someone to tell me exactly what the HOA is doing. I am not satisfied with anything that has transpired. Feels like I'm getting robbed. I was not satisfied with the explanation given to me or my neighbors about what they were going to take care of after the storm. I was told one thing about the fences then another and then another and so on. The only thing I see them doing is raising my fees and hitting my neighbors and me with notices that we have to cut our grass. I don't need a HOA for that.

    I am aware that I signed up for this when I bought the place. I am also aware of their expenses and what they have to do. BUT I can not help but feel that they are not doing their job and I am just sending them my hard earned money for naught.

    And who are these people that are our reps? My neighbors and I have no idea who they are and what they represent. I went to one shady meeting that was scheduled at 4pm when no one is off work and I was told that was done purposely so many of the people who live in our subdivision could not attend and air out their grievances. I'm not one for rumors or conjecture but it seems feasible to me. I've been hearing these concerns for months now and I'm expressing them for my neighborsand myself if nobody else will.

    Vandals in the Neighborhood

    Hello all, I'm writing this post because I wanted people to be alert and aware of their surroundings. I accidently left my door to my vehicle unlocked and someone went through my car and trashed it. Whoever it was, smoked and left ashes all over the place, but stole nothing. After this happened, my husband and I became more aware and alert about the happenings around our house.

    The next day, I assume the same people tried to break in again but the doors were locked. They got the driver's side door in an open but locked position. There are scratches near the opening of the door on my car and my husband's car. These people are very bold so
    Sincerely, Mrs. Alanna B.

    February 21, 2009

    News from Felicia

    If you see stop signs or street signs that have been knocked down, please contact our Harris County Commissioner, El Franco Lee. Here is the link to El Franco Lee's Office to report such signs

    Pumps in the retention pond are in the final stages of being activated.

    Sheriff Department will be invited to our Annual Meeting, which will be scheduled soon to discuss the Neighborhood Watch Program.