May 3, 2009

HOA Annual Meeting

Date: Monday May 11, 2009
Time: 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Location: Jones Memorial Methodist Church
Street: 2504 Almeda Genoa Rd
City State Zip: Houston, TX. 77047

It only happens ONCE a year!
All owners are encouraged to participate!

Agenda topics include:
- Security in our community
- Financial status of our HOA
- Community Development plans
- Other business as raised at the meeting


  1. I attended the meeting and noticed that Communication was addressed throughout the meeting. This is very important to ensure that all persons of the community's voices are head, and action is being taken. It appeared to me that the information was redundant, and it did not appear that the ACMI staff were knowledgeable about the issues affecting our community, and did not appear to be taking the concerns very seriously. I am a concerned community member, and do not want to leave the community. I want this to be the best place for my family for many years to come. However, if we do not take action immediately, our community will not prosper.

  2. Sharon Jones
    I attended the meeting at the Memorial meeting Church. It was never answer that Brunswick Meadow subdivison will have quarterly meeting by the HOA President. Therefore is any of the resident willing to get together and make it happen. This way it will be more communication
    between the residents. I'm interested in making
    this happen. It will be greatly appreciated if
    someone can e-mail back.
