Miya Shay of ABC news ~ channel 13 ~ miya.shay@abc.
Damali Keith of Fox news ~ channel 26 ~ damali.keith@
So, what can you do to help keep us safe when the media tires of reporting on our problems?
- Attend the next MUD District Meeting on Tuesday July, 7 at 11:30am to demand attention to our safety/security issues.
- Click here to sign a petition, displaying our communities need for additional officers.
This message was posted on the Silver Creek Message Board on Tuesday, 6/16/2009 - sound familiar?
Our home on Misty Grove Drive was burglarized today at approx. 2 p.m. while I was at home with my two young daughters. Below is a description of what happened but I want to alert everyone to please be vigilant about locking your doors. Also, be on the lookout for a white car with two young black women. They stole our laptop and several rings.
I arrived home this afternoon and my daughters and I were in my master bedroom/bathroom for approx. 20 minutes when I noticed that my back door was slightly open. A skinny, young (teens, early 20s) black woman was walking through my back fence toward the door when she saw me at the door and asked if Kevin was here. I told her no, locked the door, and noticed a white car (sedan, red tail light across the entire back of the car with a silver emblem in the middle of it) parked in front of our house. It drove away but I had a very uneasy feeling - I looked in our extra bedrooms and closets with my pepper spray in hand.
Then the same young woman rang my doorbell - I cracked the door and she asked if Kevin might live nearby. Gave me some story about how her mom dropped her off because he was fixing her computer and she thought he lived at my house. She left, I locked the front door and walked through my dining room to my kitchen where another black woman, a little older & heavier, was crouched down. I had my pepper spray ready and sprayed her in the face as she stood up.
She ran to my front door (with me behind her spraying like crazy screaming at her to get out of my house), unlocked it and ran out. I called 911 and Brazoria County sheriffs were here within minutes. Though several units were out searching for a white car, the women have not been caught.
They believe that 1st girl rang my doorbell to distract me so her friend could try to get out of the back door (but I'd locked it so she was trapped in the house). The officers were great and I wanted to pass along a few of their comments and recommendations:
- a lock for the back fence
- motion lights (about $10 at Home Depot),
- window locks
- adjustable door bars (about $30 at Home Depot) as one officer said it's pretty easy to kick in a back door
- and get a dog.
I was very aware and alert for awhile during those other home invasions a couple months back but then just relaxed again. I feel very fortunate that nobody was hurt and my children are safe and too young to really comprehend what happened.
If anyone has an idea about what make/model of car matches that description of the back end that I saw please pass it along. About the size of a Chevy Impala but I've looked at pics online and the back doesn't match what I saw.