****IMPORTANT INFORMATION: The Crime Watch is currently scheduled for Wed. April 8 from 6-8p.m.*****
- Please call the Sheriff's Office at 713-455-8050, and thank Sergeant Gill for his presence at our meeting..We must be willing to call when they are doing a great job, and when they are not..
- When calling 911 from a cell phone - tell them you need the Harris County Sheriff's Office.
- To report a suspicious vehicle or activity please call 713-221-6000
- For any questions, or complaints please call 713-455-8050
- If your home has been burglarized, and no fingerprints were taken please call Sergeant Gill at 713-455-8050.
- There are four teams that need volunteers to address our immediate concerns: Safety, HOA, Elected Officials, Communication..
- All four of these teams are extremely important to improving our neighborhood. If you did not have the chance to sign up, please contact Ashley White at ashley.r.white@nasa.gov